“Spent the Day in Bed” by Morrissey – Song Review

Greetings! Long time, no see! Not much has happened since my last review nearly a month ago, except going back to college earlier this month and am now hating it even more, but that’s it really. I would of written more since my last review, but I had nothing to write about. And then comes along Morrissey!

Last month I wrote about how Morrissey’s announcement of his eleventh solo album “Low in High-School” being released on November 17th and concerts at the Hollywood Bowl on November 10th and November 11th proved how popular he still is and always will be, and so a month later, I see what the fuss is all about.

He’s just released his brand new single from the album “Spent the Day in Bed”, and what a song! To sum it up in a sentence: Morrissey is back!

I’m impressed. The song, I would say, is very simple, but has impact at the same time. In the song, Morrissey appears to be basking in the pleasures of laying in his bed all day, therefore ignoring all the atrocities going on in the world around him. He asks the listener to stop watching the news, because “because the news contrives to frighten you, to make you feel small and alone, to make you feel that your mind isn’t your own”.

Morrissey never shies away from controversial topics in his lyrics, but while he doesn’t touch on anything in particular, he acknowledges quite clearly the culture there is around “fake news” and how we as people should resist against this and begin enjoying our own company, instead of being worried all of the time. Lyrically, this song is one of his best; it’s simplicity reminds me of “Heaven Knows I’m Miserable Now”, and I mean that in a good way!

Accompanying the lyrics is a nice little ditty tune, and I mean that in the best possible way. I’m glad Morrissey hasn’t stretched out all that is possible in the studio. I’m glad that he has never done that. The song being around 3 and a half minutes long, Morrissey cements his comeback truly well, and to be honest, it’s just nice to hear him doing so well again, especially after a difficult couple years after the release of his last album “World Peace is None of your Business”, with his cancer, cancellation of shows due to illness, etc. I’m glad he’s back!

In conclusion, this is a really great song, and I expect the album to be brilliant too! Thank you Morrissey, you wonderful human being!

I hear you ask, “what’s my favourite lyric in the song?” Well…

“No bus, no boss, no rain, no train…”

Photo: Sam Esty Rayner

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